Colour schemes

An analogous colour scheme uses colours which are next to each other on the colour wheel. For example, blues and greens, or oranges and yellows. These colours have a close relationship with each other. There is not that much hue contrast between analogous colours, so you need to make sure you are Read more…


Screenprinting is a great simple process which will enable you to print your own bag, t-shirt or other fabric item. Screenprinting kits start at around £30 with everything you need to get started, or you could have a go at making a screen yourself. The following tutorial is a good Read more…

Creating Creatures in Clay

Pottery Tutor Sally demonstrates modelling animals in clay, with a short video of her sheep to give you some pointers. You could use the same techniques to model in plasticine or playdough if you don’t have clay. View the video on our Facebook page.

Endless Greens

If you have a look out of your window, or go onto your balcony or into your garden, you can hopefully see some signs of spring in the unfurling foliage. There are all kinds of greens out there right now and your task is to notice all the wonderful variations and Read more…

Mixing a grey

Try mixing a grey to learn about colour and to make subtle colours. Colour doesn’t shine without grey! Using colours straight from the tube in a painting doesn’t usually result in a successful piece of work. Mixing colour is something to practice and gives you the opportunity to find what Read more…

Sketching like Van Gogh

Look at these sketches made by Van Gogh, and see if you can follow some of the methods shown in his work. Notice how the foreground has more detail and things become less defined in the distance. This is one way to achieve a sense of perspective or distance in Read more…

Make a Ceramic Model

Here’s some photos of the little figure I finished this morning. He’s a bit of a cross between da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man and Angel of the North. It’s really tricky to get a figure in clay to stand so I built this in stages starting with the feet and building Read more…

Stain removal

We have recently been asked about removing an ink stain from a piece of furniture. Here are a couple of methods to try.  One is to apply alcohol, either isopropyl or methylated spirits. The other is a solution of bicarbonate of soda. The effectiveness depends on the type of ink, Read more…

Collage: David Hockney

Collage is a great way to work at home. All kinds of paper can be used including newsprint, as in this self-portrait by David Hockney. The article in the piece serves to locate the work in a time and place and adds a layer of meaning to the picture. The Read more…

Packing Case Shelves

We have recently been asked about making a set of shelves in the style of a packing case. This is a straightforward project that you can adapt to suit the materials available and doesn’t need a lot of tools. The sketch shows how it’s put together. Construction You’ll need something to Read more…