9 October 2022
Using a different approach to making a Sculpture. Your chance to make your own sculpture with a method you probably never thought of. To have your creative juices flowing and enjoy the making of the Work of Art, something you really can be proud of.
There will be a lot of thinking, sketching planning and preparing.
Using a Extruder (sausage maker) to squeeze the clay out in certain shapes and make 3D sculpture for your own pleasure.
The pieces will be about 30 x 25 x 25cm to make sure it fits all in the kiln.
At the start they will make some small scale sketches from Newplast plasticine (Amason)or even sketch it out on paper as well.
The aim is to make a modern sculpture that can get you excited and get your creative juices flowing, and to make sure the students put some fine finish to the work so they can be proud of their Art. The aim is that they make one at least one finished piece and for some possibly two.
The studio is well equipped with materials, tools and equipment and you do not need to bring any with you. We do recommend bringing and using a small notebook to keep a record of your work and ideas. You are welcome to bring your own tools but you will not be able to keep them at Bradford college.
You will be expected to follow Health and Safety guidance and our code of conduct whenever you use Bradford college’s ceramics studio.