An update on arrangements from July whilst our building is being refurbished.

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We’re delighted that our friends at St Peter’s Church, Saltaire, have agreed to put us up, and that’s going to be our main base for the coming year. It’s just ten minutes up the road, buses stop very nearby and there’s a bit of parking (and more on the streets around and behind the shops).

Our phone number and emails will remain the same, and you’ll still be able to pop in and see us (you might just have to ring a doorbell to get in).

Birklands Room activities

Everything that currently happens in the Birklands Room will take place at St Peter’s, including Drop in and Draw, Chat and Craft, and a full programme of classes as usual.

Pottery activities

We’re delighted to have secured the use of the pottery studios at Bradford College for the next year. Because it’s a little further to go we’re going to run our pottery courses and activities slightly differently, concentrating things into fewer days (think half-day or day courses), but we’re still planning to run our full range of courses, albeit in a slightly different pattern.

Woodwork activities

Our friends at NEET (Northcliffe Environmental Enterprises Team), on the allotments in Northcliffe Park, are lending us workshop space so that we can run woodwork courses and activities.

We’ll be arranging more orientation visits to the various venues over the next few months: to keep up to date check out the page on our website (, keep an eye on our mailings and social media, or ask at reception.