
Collage offers a great way to make unusual prints with strong sculptural qualities. To make a plate to print from, you can use materials such as corrugated card, textured paper, cloth, netting etc. Details and textures can be added by gluing further materials to the surface, eg. lollipop stocks, string, Read more…

Lino Printing

What is Lino Printing? Linocut is a printmaking technique, a variant of woodcut, in which a sheet of Lino is used for the relief surface. A design is cut into the Lino surface with a sharp knife, V-shaped chisel or gouge, with the raised (uncarved) areas representing a reversal (mirror Read more…

Wood Staining

The term ‘stain’ refers to products intended to add colour to the wood, enhancing grain patterns and figure. In repair work they are used to match the colour of damaged areas to the existing finish or can be applied to the whole piece to refresh the colour. They do not provide Read more…